A Town Called Solace by Mary Lawson | My Cousin Jane's Book Review
Posted by My Cousin Jane on 15th Mar 2022
My cousin Jane has always been a voracious reader and the family bibliophile. When she's not walking her dog Pebbles by the sea, she can usually be found with a book in her hands. Over the course of the pandemic, her appetite for books has never diminished and I can always rely on her to recommend interesting new titles for me to read ("I've already read that" is the standard response I get when I try to return the favour). Jane's recommendations have never steered me wrong, and so I thought it would be good idea to share them with you! Every month, Jane is going to share her review of a book she has enjoyed and hopefully it might encourage you to pick up a copy and try it for yourself!
- Joan Lucey, owner Vibes & Scribes
Canadian born, now living in England, Mary Lawson has published just four novels in twenty years. Her first novel 'Crow Lake' garnered numerous international literary awards and I'm looking forward to re reading it. If you love Anne Tyler and have yet to discover Mary Lawson, treat in store! All her books are sparingly, beautifully written, not a superflous word and imaginative but believable characters and plots.
Set in Ontario in 1972, 'Solace' brings together Elizabeth, and elderly lady, seven year old Clara, and newly divorced, unemployed Liam. What can these very different people have in common? Well you'll have to read the book as I would not want to spoil it for you! Suffice to say, there are no contrived, far fetched twists so often employed in many contempory novels.
This book is a joy – I highly recommend you rush out and buy it!