Quick view Ag Buzzáil sa Ghairdín le Áine Ní Ghlinn Now: €9.99 MSRP: Was: Ag Buzzáil sa Ghairdín Follow Billí Beach’s magical working day gathering nectar from all the beautiful flowers in the garden. Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view Ag Dul i bhFad le Alan Titley Now: €15.00 MSRP: Was: Seo é an chéad chnuasach Gaeilge le hAlanTitley ó foilsíodh an 100 scéal atá i Leabhar Nóra Ní Anluain (1998). Má tháinig scataúrscéalta uaidh idir an dá linn níor thréig sé an ealaín ghairid riamh, óir tá seacht scéal anseo a ghn… Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view Ainmhithe - Babaí Beag Now: €5.00 MSRP: Was: Our collection of early children's reading books, as gaeilge, teach young readers basic irish words. Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view Aithníonn an Fhuil a Chéile le Roddy Doyle Now: €7.99 MSRP: Was: Tá Danny Ó Murchú ag dul le bualadh lena dheartháir Jimmy. Ní fhaca siad a chéile le níos mó ná fiche bliain. Ar an mbealach chuig an gcruinniú, is cuimhin le Danny na tréimhsí maithe agus na drochthréimhsí, an spraoi agus na troi… Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view Amhrain agus Danta Raiftearai le Dúghlas de Híde Now: €9.99 MSRP: €22.00 Was: A completely revised new edition of Douglas Hyde’s classic collection of the poems and songs of Raftery, known to generations of Irish-schoolgoers from the poem ‘Mise Raifteirí an File’. The book is full of background anecdotes an… Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view An Buachaill, an Caochán, an Sionnach, agus an Capall le Charlie Mackesy Now: €18.99 MSRP: Was: Irish-language translation of Charlie Mackesy's stunning illustration-driven fable ‘The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse'. Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view An Cléireach le Darach Ó Scolaí Now: €15.00 MSRP: Was: Suitear an Cléireach in Éirinn agus ar an Mór-Roinn i lár na 17ú haoise, agus mórthimpeall ar eachtra amháin, ach go háirithe, a thiteann amach le linn ionradh Chromail ar Éirinn, nuair a cruinnítear buíon bheag ar thaobh sléibhe … Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view An Craiceann agus a Luach: Under Her Skin le Eithne Ni Ghallchobhair Now: €15.00 MSRP: Was: Aon oíche amháin, téann fear darb ainm Mac Aoidh amach ag siúl cois cladaigh. Tchíonn sé scaifte de mhaighdeana mara ag snámh sa chuan agus bratacha s’acu caite le taobh carraige ar an trá. Sciobann sé leis ceann de na bratacha ag… Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view An Garbhán le Julia Donaldson Now: €9.99 MSRP: Was: Chuaigh loch ar strae isteach sa choill, Is bhuail le sionnach gan aon rómhoill.' Siúl leat níos daighne sa choill dhubh dhorcha agus faigh amach na heachtraí a thiteann amach nuair a thagann loch glic ar ulchabhán, ar nathair agu… Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view An Leon, an Bandraoi agus an Prios Éadaigh le C.S. Lewis Now: €8.50 MSRP: Was: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is a novel for children written by C.S.Lewis, the first of the seven novels published in The Chronicles of Narnia series (1950–1956). In 1940, four siblings are among many children evacuated fr… Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view An Prionsa Beag le Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Now: €14.00 MSRP: Was: Bíonn ar phíolóta a theacht anuas i lár ghaineamhlach an tSahára nuair a bhriseann an t-inneall ina eitleán … agus as sin a thig ceann de na scéalta is iontaí a hinsíodh riamh, faoi mar a chas an píolóta leis an phrionsa bheag. Fá… Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view An Seilide agus an Míol Mór le Julia Donaldson Now: €7.50 MSRP: Was: Subh the snail is unhappy with his life, then he goes on an exciting trip around the world with his friend Mic the whale. Leagan Gaeilge de ‘The Snail and the Whale’. Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view An Seomra Tobac le Julie Parsons Now: €6.99 MSRP: Was: I Seomra Tobac sa Roinn Sláinte agus Leasa Sóisialaigh, a thosaìonn an rud ar fad. Tá Eoin pósta ar Aoife, agus tá pósadh sona acu de réir cosúlachtaì. Casann Aisling ar Eoin ansin sa Seomra Tobac. Ach bìonn contúirt ann sna toitì… Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view An Snag Breac Ildaite le Emma Baskin & Serena Scully Now: €13.00 MSRP: Was: Ba mhaith leis an snag breac a bheith ildaite. Buaileann sé le go leor ainmhithe agus é ag eitilt tríd an bhforaois, ach an mbeidh ainmhí ar bith in ann cabhrú leis? Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view An Tíogar a Tháinig Chun Tae le Judith Kerr Now: €17.99 MSRP: Was: An Tíogar a Tháinig Chun Tae (1969) le Judith Kerr. The Irish language version of The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr. The classic picture book has been loved by millions of children since it was first pu… Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view An Triúr Triallach – An Congó Now: €9.95 MSRP: Was: Ní chreideann an triúr an scéal seo faoi arracht Ghleann N’Gomo. Níl ann i bhfírinne ach eiseamláir de scéalta béaloidis na hAfraice, scéal den sort a d’inis na bundúchasaigh riamh dá chéile cois na tine san oíche! Ach i bhfaitead… Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view Babaí Beag: Splais! Now: €5.00 MSRP: Was: Babaí Beag:Splais! is ideal for young children. Babies will also love the vivid and contrasting colours in this sturdy book. Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view Béal na Péiste le Fionntán de Brún Now: €15.00 MSRP: Was: Nuair a thuirling Réamainn Prút i mBéal Feirste i 1988, is strainséir é ina bhaile dúchais. Tugann sé faoi deara na fógraí ollmhóra a roinntear uimhir theileafóin na bpóilíní, á spreagadh chun glaoch a chur ort – chun faisnéis a t… Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view Bí Fiáin, a Chroí le Olivia Hope Now: €9.95 MSRP: Was: Prepare for a heart-lifting journey through the beauties of nature: from pine forests to awe-inspiring mountains, and from sparkling seas to starry skies. Fly across oceans, run with wolves through the mountain snow, dance with fi… Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view Bia Blasta - Babaí Beag Now: €5.00 MSRP: Was: The high contrast pictures and colours in these beautifully illustrated books will captivate babies’ attention and stimulate their developing senses as they interact with the world about them. Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view Bláth Fiáin le Meadhbh Ní Eadhra Now: €8.00 MSRP: Was: From an Spidéal, Conamara, Meadhbh Ní Eadhra emerges as a rising literary talent. With the release of her fourth book for teenage readers, she continues to captivate audiences with her exceptional storytelling. Ní Eadhra has garne… Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view Bláthnaid le Darach Ó Scolaí Now: €18.00 MSRP: Was: Tá scéal Bhláthnaide ar cheann de scéalta móra na Rúraíochta. Is ann atá cur síos ar fhuadach iníon álainn rí Mhanann go dtí Cathair Con Raoi i gCiarraí, agus ar an mbáire fola a bhí mar thoradh ar an ngrá a thug beirt laoch di. Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view Brú Fola le Andrew Fusek Peters & Cathy Brett Now: €7.00 MSRP: Was: The new series Scéalta Scéine contains four new short thrillers which are suitable for readers between 8 and 11 years of age. These are lively and fast-paced books which young readers who are building on their reading skills will … Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view Dathanna - Babaí Beag Now: €5.00 MSRP: Was: The high contrast pictures and colours in these beautifully illustrated books will captivate babies’ attention and stimulate their developing senses as they interact with the world about them. Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view Deirdre le Darach Ó Scolaí Now: €18.00 MSRP: Was: The story of Deirdre and the sons of Uisneach is one of Ireland’s greatest tales. The oldest version is found in the 12th Century Book of the Dun Cow and many versions have been written in Ireland and Scotland since. This edition … Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view Dog Man: Scéal an Dá Phuisín le Dav Pilkey Now: €9.95 MSRP: Was: Dog Man, the newest hero from the creator of Captain Underpants, is still learning a few tricks of the trade. If only the Chief would throw him a bone every once and a while...Dog Man needs to dry up the drool, dust away the dande… Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view Faoin Tuath le Benedict Blathwayt Now: €6.50 MSRP: Was: Leabhar álainn é seo ina gcuirtear na focail i láthair an pháiste ar bhealach spraíúil. Amuigh faoin aer a bheimid – ar muir agus ar tír. Cuirfimid eolas ar an dúlra agus muid ag foghlaim faoi na hainmhithe, faoin bhfeirmeoireacht… Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view Filleann Seoirse le Eilís Ní Anluain Now: €15.00 MSRP: Was: Triantán suthain suite i mbaile cois farraige in Éirinn na linne seo is ea Filleann Seoirse, an chéad úrscéal le hEilís Ní Anluain. Ménage à Trois in Oirthear TíreNuair a thagann seanchara ar cuairt ar lánúin nuaphósta, fágann sé … Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view Flaitheas le Proinsias Mac a'Bhaird Now: €16.00 MSRP: Was: Seo scéal a thugann radharc dúinn ar Cholm Cille an duine, duine a raibh a chuid laigí féin aige agus a raibh constaicí go leor le sárú aige. Tumtar sinn i saol éiginnte an séú haois, tráth a raibh athruithe móra ag teacht ar shao… Add to Cart The item has been added
Quick view Focail - Babaí Beag Now: €5.00 MSRP: Was: The high contrast pictures and colours in these beautifully illustrated books will captivate babies’ attention and stimulate their developing senses as they interact with the world about them. Add to Cart The item has been added