The Hachette Essentials series comprises a collection of titles that are regarded as modern classics. A carefully and lovingly curated selection of distinctive, ground-breaking fiction and non-fiction titles published since 1950. Timeless.
Relevant. Passionate. Unified as a series - distinctive as books.
A good book is great. A great book is essential. Souls cross ages like clouds cross skies .
. . Six interlocking lives - one amazing adventure.
In a narrative that circles the globe and reaches from the 19th century to a post-apocalyptic future, Cloud Atlas erases the boundaries of time, genre and language to offer an enthralling vision of humanity's will to power, and where it will lead us.
Cloud Atlas: Hachette Essentials by David Mitchell
€5.00 - €12.50
Cloud Atlas: Hachette Essentials by David Mitchell
€5.00 - €12.50
The Hachette Essentials series comprises a collection of titles that are regarded as modern classics. A carefully and lovingly curated selection of di…
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