Set in Burma during the British invasion of 1885, this masterly novel tells the story of Rajkumar, a poor boy lifted on the tides of social and political chaos, who goes on to create an empire in the Burmese teak forest. When soldiers force the royal family out of the Glass Palace and into exile, Rajkumar befriends Dolly, a young woman in the court of the Burmese Queen, whose love will shape his life. He cannot forget her, and years later, as a rich man, he goes in search of her.
From the Booker Prize-shortlisted author, an unforgettable story of love, war and family. Spanning three generations, in Burma, Malaya and India, The Glass Palace is an extraordinary epic.
The Glass Palace by Amitav Ghosh
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The Glass Palace by Amitav Ghosh
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Set in Burma during the British invasion of 1885, this masterly novel tells the story of Rajkumar, a poor boy lifted on the tides of social and politi…
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