Trespasses by Louise Kennedy | My Cousin Jane's Book Review
Posted by My Cousin Jane on 19th May 2022
My cousin Jane has always been a voracious reader and the family bibliophile. When she's not walking her dog Pebbles by the sea, she can usually be found with a book in her hands. Over the course of the pandemic, her appetite for books has never diminished and I can always rely on her to recommend interesting new titles for me to read ("I've already read that" is the standard response I get when I try to return the favour). Jane's recommendations have never steered me wrong, and so I thought it would be good idea to share them with you! Every month, Jane is going to share her review of a book she has enjoyed and hopefully it might encourage you to pick up a copy and try it for yourself!
- Joan Lucey, owner Vibes & Scribes
'Trespasses', Louise Kennedy's debut novel (she previously published an acclaimed short story collection 'The End of the World is a Cul de Sac') is set in Northern Ireland in the mid 1970s. It is a fictional story set against a historically accurate account of 'The Troubles'. It is not a faction but the background and circumstances in which both traditions existed is recognizable. The author describes her book as 'a work of fiction that is based on true events' and it is clear that Ms Kennedy, growing up near Belfast draws on her own background, the story being all the richer for it. Knowledge of Northern Irish politics is not required however, the story is set in a time many will remember and for those who don't, it will be illuminating.
At heart this is a love story. Cushla, a primary school teacher and occasional barmaid in her family's pub, falls in love with Michael and despite misgivings she finds it beyond her to give him up. Descriptions of her school pupils, neighbours, family, police, and army personnel and the pub 'regulars' are vividly and incisively drawn. I do not want to give too much of the story away. This is a book that satisfies on many levels, beautifully and sparingly written. It is destined to climb the best sellers list to become a modern Irish classic.
'The End of the World is a Cul de Sac' is on the next Bank Holiday read list and I look forward to Ms Kennedy's next offering!